Hello 2023-2024 Youth Apprenticeship Applicants,
If you have a YA Job, please delete, if not, please keep reading....
DCSC is hosting a YA Job Fair on May 24th from 4:30-6pm. We currently have 20+ employers registered and we will continue to recruit employers based upon student registrations. The sooner you register, the sooner we can keep recruiting employers for the roles you are looking for. Please Register Here ASAP. Additionally, we have a Resume Workshop scheduled for May 24th from 3:30-4:30 pm at Monona Grove. Take a look at our Template, look at your resume, and if you think you need help, JOIN US-Register here for workshop. Need more help with Job Search, see our Virtual Workshop here..... The sooner you register, the sooner we can keep recruiting employers for the roles you are looking for. Please Register Here ASAP.