This is just an idea we are tossing around, and we need your input ideas. My assistant manager came up with the idea to have a fear-free class (teaches how to make it nonstressful for a pet vet visit). The idea is focused on junior agriculture yap students who should take our UW vet clinic Wednesday night class their senior year. The material would be mostly videos and articles, so it could be taught online, and many juniors do not drive yet. The education material would probably only stretch for one school semester, not the whole school year.
Q. Does your school already offer access to a course like this? (Name of school, course)
Q. Would you have students interested in a course like this? If it was a Hybrid course. (1 semester, 1/3 in person, 2/3 online)
Q. Do you have any suggestions?
Evansville High School offers 4 vet science courses so the majority of the time, I have juniors wait to take 2 of those .5 vet science courses their junior year to support Level I Animal Fundamentals and plan for them to take the UW Vet School 1.0 credit course their senior year. This class would be a good option though for a few students that have taken 3 out of the 4 vet science courses before their junior year. Would provide that extra .5 credit of related coursework their junior year.
Middleton has online 0.5 credit course Intro to Vet Science course; however, the course you propose appears to have a different focus.
Yes, I believe MHS students would be interested in a the proposed course. Hybrid would make it flexible for athletes and others who typically have commitments after school their junior year.
The certification is appreciated as it would help participants expand their resume.
At Verona, our Ag teacher covers this in our Science of Vet Med 2, but students don't get certified. Our instructor thought if students could earn the Fear Free Certification, some would be interested in this course.
Yes, we offer both Small Animal and Pet Care (9-10th grade), Animal Science (10-12th grade), and Vet Science (10-12th grade).
More than likely, no students would take this particular hybrid course as junior year they are either taking the Animal/Vet Science sequence OR have taken those course and would be in Livestock Management junior year.
I think it is a great idea for an intro/exploratory class for students at schools without Ag opportunities